Toxic thoughts destroy the physical brain and affect the body, soul and spirit. The main weapon of Satan is planting toxic thoughts into the hearts and minds of people. Through the power of the Holy Ghost and God’s Word, we can defeat Satan. The devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness with negative words and Jesus rebuked him by quoting scripture, “Thus it is written!” We have the same weapon of warfare. We can have the mind of Christ through God’s Word.
In Ephesians 4:23 (AMP), Paul wrote, “and be continually renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh, untarnished mental and spiritual attitude].” Romans 12: 2 tells us, “be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Scientists have proven that our thoughts and words affect the human brain positively or negatively.
Proverbs 23:7 (AMP): “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he [in behavior—one who manipulates].” Our thoughts create our feelings that produce our actions. What type of “thought life” do you have? If we dwell on the negative events around us, our toxic thoughts affect the physical brain with a “blackness.” If we dwell on the positive aspects of life, our brain starts building new connectors and “lights up” during this process. Our thoughts and words either bless or curse our body, soul and spirit.
When adversity hits our lives, the devil delights in planting toxic thoughts in our minds to destroy our faith in God. We can choose to rebuke and replace those toxic thoughts with God’s truth. God’s Word is the “therapy” I use in providing nationwide counseling, always asking the question, “What is God’s truth about this situation?” We can walk in victory through the power of the Word of God.
We are in the middle of physical adversity since my husband (Rev. Harold Clemans, 60 yrs. licensed minister) had a serious fall Aug. 13. He shattered his left femur/reinforcement of bone surgery and new hip replacement. We must speak/pray for strength/healing by faith. We choose to speak life words!