Do we treasure God’s Word? Do we feed on God’s Word daily? Pastors, do you teach your people how to study the Word of God? In my counseling (nationwide) for 25+ years, I find a dearth of knowing God’s Word with the people.
I’ve had more than one pastor tell me, “I do not study the Bible unless I’m going to preach.” Their confession exposed their spiritual weakness. God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path! We all must feed on God’s Word daily. The Bible is God-breathed! To know His perfect will is to know His Word, Our purpose in life is found in 1 Corinthians 6: 18-20.
God’s Word has the answers to heal broken hearts. The Bible holds the keys to becoming healthy spiritually, emotionally and relationally. All of my counseling comes from the Word of God. We in ministry must be teaching how to apply the Fruit of the Spirit to everyday life! We must be teaching how to love others as God loves (Galatians 5 & 1 Corinthians 13).
God’s Word teaches how to deal with anger (do not sin – be Holy Ghost-controlled). God’s Word instructs us in many places to put off sin and put on the Lord Jesus Christ. God’s Word is the basis for my counseling porn addiction recovery. God’s Word has the blueprint for a God-centered marriage. My book, God’s Design for Marriage, came out of God’s Word teaching marriage seminars – order: for soft cover or eBook: Pastors/ministers will be accountable to God regarding their feeding their sheep the Word.
Jesus sat on hillsides and taught thousands of people for many hours His truth. Those people had no entertainment. Are we emphasizing physical demonstration worship instead of emphasizing God’s Word? True worship is presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice unto the Lord in our daily activities (Romans 12: 1 & 2 AMP). Can we say, “Follow me as I follow Christ” through His Word?
© Carol Clemans – Bible teacher 50+ years, Certified Pastoral Counselor 25+ years, Certified Sexual Addiction Recovery Facilitator, etc. Read bio @ – 450+ articles, Shop. Teach for conferences/churches. Watch 100+ video teachings on Carol Clemans YouTube. Nationwide counseling (636) 448-0121. Mins. Ref: Pastor Daniel Batchelor, Dupo, IL.