Exciting, innovative and effective, the Gospel Banner Pen makes it easier than ever to carry a Bible study with you wherever you go. Win and disciple your friends at school, a coffee shop, a college campus, or anywhere you like with this new Bible study called The Gospel. The pen has a pull-out Bible study based on The Gospel Bible Study that is simple, yet effective.
“The Gospel is a short five-lesson study that covers the topics of sin, redemption, repentance, baptism in Jesus’ name, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost,” said Sis. Tamra Schultz, administrative secretary of the UPC General Youth Division. “There are five things we must understand so we can be saved and begin a relationship with Jesus, and this Bible study covers those aspects of the gospel of Jesus Christ. SIN: covering the fall of man and the debt of humankind, JESUS: covering who Jesus is and why He matters to salvation, REPENTANCE: covering what it means to truly turn back to God, BAPTISM: covering the importance of baptism in the name of Jesus, HOLY GHOST/HOLY SPIRIT: covering the power and necessity of a spiritual infilling.”
The Gospel Banner Pen has been described as simple and engaging but, best of all, a resource that’s completely Apostolic. “The Gospel Bible Study is produced by students for students and is sponsored by the General Youth Division,” explained Sis. Schultz. “With the inclusion of the Banner Pen, it’s the gospel on the go. You are now able to carry the gospel in your pocket.”
The Gospel Bible Study is available for free download and is available free via mobile app or for a small price in print. “The teacher’s notes are in PDF and can be printed or used with an e-reader,” said Sis. Schultz. “Also available are free video illustrations. Each video features Apostolic students and young adults explaining a biblical principle in a creative and compelling way.”
The Gospel Pen is available at the General Youth Division online store located at www.generalyouthdivision.com. They are $2 each. There are no bundle deals as this is the wholesale cost. The pen has a pull-out Bible study based on The Gospel Bible Study.
Tamra Schultz
General Youth Division
Phone: 636-229-7900