Spiritual Growth | Carol Clemans
1 Cor. 5:8 – (NKJV) Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
In Strong’s #1505, part of the definition of sincerity is: “transparent honesty, genuine purity, manifested clarity, one who does not fear thorough examination of his motives or intents, because he has nothing to hide.”
This was written to the Corinthian believers who were born again (Acts 2:38). All the letters written from Romans to Jude were for the New Testament church. As my father said, “They are private letters written to the church teaching us how we ought to behave ourselves.”
There is only one source of truth and that is God’s Word. All our ‘awake’ hours must be walking in sincerity with God and obeying His truth. If everyone walked in sincerity and truth of their salvation experience, harmony would reign in our homes, churches, and all relationships!
We can walk in sincerity and truth if we choose daily to process our thoughts that create our feelings that lead to our actions through God’s truth. I call it ‘living in a God-conscious state of mind.’ I keep an ongoing dialogue in my mind all day long with God. I have the human ability to be rude and crude. But I choose to be Holy-Ghost-controlled – it is a moment-by-moment choice! This choice is not based on happenings. It is a choice to allow God’s truth to control me in every circumstance of life. It is a choice to be godly in all circumstances!
In June 2022, I will celebrate thirty years of providing God-based counseling locally and nationwide to thousands of people. My bottom line is, “What is God’s truth about this situation? We all will stand before God and give an account for our lives. Let us challenge ourselves to live in sincerity and truth! My desire is to be rapture ready!