Positive attitude and encouraging words. Few things hurt worse than having a substantial number of families leave the church. However, it is at such a time that your faithful members will be looking to you for direction. The situation must be acknowledged and the reasons for the loss explained with an emphasis upon the biblical position that the church must stand for truth and righteousness. A wise pastor will not dwell too long on this loss but instead will cast a clear vision of renewed faith, a prosperous future, and God’s promised blessing upon those who walk with Him.
A positive and proactive plan for the future. It takes time for a church to heal. Too much radical change too quickly can cause some, if not many, to feel apprehensive and unsure. But setting clear goals and decisive plans with your current program will help your people move beyond the hurt. Consider presenting a three or five-year plan that shows your projected growth and the various programs that you anticipate unfolding as revival and growth come through a renewed emphasis on prayer and evangelism.
Evangelism and lots of new converts. Nothing brings renewed life and excitement to a church like the zeal and joy of new babes in Christ. Plan a number of prayer events and evangelism activities with the focus being on souls. Place an emphasis on home Bible studies, bringing visitors, effective visitor follow-up, personal witnessing (consider launching a CCC ministry) and Sunday school growth. Launching a bus or car ministry can fill vacant seats and bring many new faces to God’s house. Strive to see increased attendance by planning special programs on Easter, Pentecost Sunday, Back-To-School Sunday (Block Party?) and Christmas. Print up free tickets to these events and hit the streets, inviting people to each exciting program. Divide the church into teams and create some friendly competition and prizes. Make each event exciting and fun.
How does one recover from a church split? By speaking words of faith and backing up those words with positive, revival-inspiring actions. Without exception, when we do our part, God always does His.