Spiritual Growth and Emotional Well-Being
LIFE-Living In Freedom EVERYDAY (Part 2)
In last month’s column, we found ourselves entering into an emotional healing journey as we faced or confronted the emotions of guilt, shame, and worthlessness which led to condemnation and victimization. We also determined which lens we were viewing these emotions from…the lens of the victim, the perpetrator, or possibly both.
Today we will discover additional emotions/feelings that have crept into our lives while being paralyzed by the emotions of guilt, shame, and worthlessness which had already plagued our spirit, soul, and body. We will also recognize how these damaged emotions and unhealed memories affect our behavior.
First, go ahead and circle some of the things from this list that we have gained while keeping our emotions and memories suppressed, buried, and hidden. INSECURITIES—ANGER—HATRED—JEALOUSY—DEPRESSION—ANXIETY— NERVOUSNESS—MALICE—DISCONTENTMENT—LOVE—JOY—PEACE—HAPPINESS—PATIENCE—CONTENTMENT—KINDNESS—RESTLESSNESS— PARANOIA—FEAR—SLEEPLESSNESS—RAGE.
Next, take this time to circle things from this list we may have lost as our emotions and memories continue in a downward spiral and become toxic and destructive. JOB—HOME—FAMIL —VEHICLE(S)—SECURITY—JOY—LOVE—PEACE—CONTENTMENT—HAPPINESS—FRIENDS—SLEEP—KINDNESS—SOUND MIND.
Finally, from the items, we’ve circled it is plain to see that our damaged emotions and unhealed memories are now controlling our behaviors. These toxins have become so destructive that our mind is now plagued like a continuous nightmare. How did we ever get to this place? And have we lived here for so long that we’ve become so familiar with the names on every street sign—FEAR Rd., RAGE Ln., HATRED Blvd.? We try to hang on to some sense of normalcy but there is nothing NORMAL about this place. Could it be possible that we have now conformed so much to this world that we’ve gone from being ‘human’ to being ‘dehumanized?’ We no longer recognize ourselves.
There is freedom from this ‘inhumane’ way of living. Dr. James Hughes once made a simple yet profound statement, “The number one root of all life’s problems is ‘selfishness.’” Continue with me next month as we arrive at the halfway mark of this emotional healing journey and as we discover how to turn ‘selfishness’ into ‘selflessness.’ Your reward for traveling and experiencing this journey is nothing short of AMAZING!
Vickie Hodges is a UPCI licensed minister with 35 years’ experience in Early Childhood Education and Brain Development Research. She is the author of LIFE (Living In Freedom EVERYDAY) Recovery Series. Vickie is a trainer, a speaker at
seminars, retreats, conferences and college campuses. She can be reached at
281-433-4976 (text) or email VickieHodgesSharingLIFE@gmail.com.
Ministry Leadership—Pastor Mark Hughes and Dr. James Hughes of Greater Life Church in Webster, Texas.