What does it mean that Scripture cannot be broken?
The reference I believe you are asking about is fascinating. It is an aside that Christ mentions just in passing. Jn. 10:35, “If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;” Without getting too bogged down on “gods” and the references in the OT that show “elohim” could also refer to false gods, mighty men, judges, or even angels, the argument Christ is making is one regarding the source of authority. The central idea in this comment of our Lord is critical to our own understanding of Scripture as Apostolics. It is simply this: what did Jesus believe about the Bible?
As Apostolics, we only believe what Jesus and the Apostles taught. As born-again believers, we follow Christ’s example, and by the empowerment of the Spirit, we obey His commands. However, we should also believe what Christ Himself believed about the Scripture. This is a much bigger question than even how Christ interpreted or how He fulfilled the Old Testament Scripture. Fundamentally, what did Christ say and believe about His Bible, the Old Testament? It must be said that whatever our Lord said about Scripture, we as Apostolics must all not be afraid to say about our Bible today. To be plainer, we must never be ashamed to affirm what Jesus affirmed about the Word of God.
This response of Jesus in Jn. 10 is often perplexing to people because of Jesus’ reference to “gods,” but alongside His dealing with His detractors comes one of the most important things Christ has said because of what it discloses. He says, unequivocally, Scripture cannot be broken. Jesus is making an authoritative argument based on a single word in one of the lesser-known Psalms! He shows that Scripture is true and authoritative down to the individual words of even the more “obscure” passages. For Jesus, all the words of Scripture hold unquestionable authority. The Greek word translated “broken” is the Greek word “λυθῆναι” which is an aorist, passive, infinitive; this simply means that nothing can ever break Scripture. The word carries the sense of nullifying, invalidating, or breaking.
Jesus is saying not one word of the Scripture will ever be falsified. Nothing said will fall short of its assured fulfillment. Jesus believed He had the inspired and inerrant text of Scripture available to Him in His day! Praise God we can say we have no less! It would be an egregious wrong, and an act of impiety to claim less than Christ did. If Apostolics follow our Lord’s example in identifying with His death, burial, and resurrection through repentance, water baptism in Jesus’ name, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues; why would we somehow hold a lesser view of Holy Scripture than He did? Apostolics can have the confidence to affirm, along with Christ, that not one single word of Scripture has any errors, any errant words, no, not even one broken word.