New Mercies EVERY Morning?
Vickie Hodges-
How can it be that we have the Lord’s mercies, and we have them every morning? Well, as profound as this may sound, this statement is true and can be proven both scientifically and scripturally.
Scientifically this phenomenon can be explained through neuroscience within the term of neurogenesis. This is a process by which our nervous system cells (neurons), are produced by neural stem cells. Neurons die and new ones are made. This continues throughout our lifespan and this process is at peak performance during the embryonic stage and begins to decline after the age of twenty years. So, there are actually new parts of ourselves being created every day! Let that sink in as we move on to the second proof that we have new mercies every morning.
For scriptural proof we find Lamentations 3:22-23 reads, “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” Wow! New mercies every morning, every day, every week, month, and year! Why did God allow us to experience these mercies every day? Because He is the Creator! He knew what to do within our bodies and He created our bodies to produce these neurons on a daily basis. He knew that even the microbiological, nanoparticles of our very being would need to be covered with His mercies, and we would need it every day!
So, here is the proof from science and from Scripture. And with this New Year 2022 underway, let us not forget to show our gratitude to our loving God and thank Him every morning for new mercies that only He can supply.