Spencer McPheron: Heyworth, Illinois
Members of our worship team must be prepared spiritually, emotionally, physically and musically. Our music director matches schedules and musical needs and I feel it’s my responsibility to exercise spiritual discernment to ultimately decide if a person is the right fit. We have a ministry development program to prepare individuals for ministry and we are always looking to expand our worship team and find ways to involve more people. We rotate musicians, praise singers and leaders to use as many as possible. In my experience when someone is not in a position to be used, often they willingly step down. Working in harmony with one another and with the moving of the Spirit is probably the greatest challenge to a worship team.
Terry Gun: O’Fallon, Missouri
To become a part of our worship team there is an application and audition for choir. There is no limit to how many people can be included, but certain positions do have rotations so that everyone can be used. Youth members as young as 13 can be used in main services once they have proved they can handle youth services. Individuals are added based upon their faithfulness, availability, talent, and adherence to the standards of the church. Members may be removed if an issue of sin or faithfulness arises or if there is a mandate from the pastoral staff.
Lindel Anderson: Indianapolis, Indiana
It is nice to bring in new people to worship groups because it brings a excitement to the group. To be a part of our worship team the person must be a spiritual leader in the church as well as someone that the congregation would respect and look up to. Their Christian walk would be equally as important as their musical skills. Some people may have an aptitude towards music, but never have been given the opportunity to find their skills. We look for this too. Typically worship team members come from the sanctuary choir of which members are 15 and older, but occasionally members of the youth will also be used starting at 12 years old. Members may be removed if there is a moral failure or loss in commitment level. Usually the pastor handles such issues.
Sheila Carrington: Farmington, New Mexico
Music directors definitely need a prayer covering. It is a difficult position which carries much responsibility in every service. The level of attack from the enemy can be great at times, but God is always faithful. At our church, I choose individuals who are already in our choir that exhibit not only talent but spiritual maturity. I prefer to include people willing to work as a team member, who are flexible and are not easily offended. In the beginning, I have new members come to practice for about a month to see how we do things and learn our songs, then I will add them in with some of our more experienced singers for a season.
Ben Patten: Hurst, Texas
Whatever you do as a music department, make sure you are in line with the Pastor’s vision. Ask your Pastor what the vision is for the church, where we are heading and what goals we have. We look for people who have a heart of worship, are willing to serve, and willing to follow leadership. You can’t lead people that don’t want to follow you. In addition to this we look for faithfulness, commitment and skill. Is this individual in this for themselves or to serve God? Are they whole-heartedly serving others? Can they commit to the extra time needed, the extra practices and the added duties of a worship team? Do they possess enough skill for the worship team? In our church, we have a three tier program of incorporation. First, the member will watch the team, then participate with supervision, and finally work autonomously. Individuals looking to be on the platform must start in the choir, but we do not put a cap on the age of who can serve. At our church the worship team is held to a higher standard. We have platform guidelines laid out to show what it means to be a leader, what worship is, and how to reflect Godliness and Holiness through your expressions, demeanor, lifestyle and your outward appearance. People seldom excel where there are no clear expectations.
Gideon Assefa: Long Island, New York
The most important element for new members of our team is first and foremost having a relationship with God. In ministry, becoming a broken vessel before God is a difficult place to enter into, but it is there we are able to become mirrors that reflect God’s glory and righteousness. Worship team members also need to understand the power of unity and sense of community within the team, church, and city. We are called to be one church, working together for the glory of God to fulfill the Great Commission. If we look in the Bible, servant leadership is the only kind of leadership that Jesus showed us, which makes it a very core value.. One insurance policy I have found very powerful for worship teams however, is “Worship One – Serve One”. This means if you served in any position at any capacity for a service then the next service you would be able to worship and participate in the service. This allows members to move from platform mode to pew mode every other service. Excellence is also an important element to a worship team member in their work ethic, effort, body language, energy, attitude and passion while going the extra mile, being coachable, on time and always prepared. As experienced worship leaders, it is essential to set up new members for success and continuously pass the mantle of our experience and knowledge to others in order to further the kingdom and fulfill what God has placed on our hearts as true worshipers.